Strength and Mobility with Jim: Squats, Lunges, and Step Throughs 30-minute
30 min Strength and Mobility
Warmups: dynamic side stretching and twisting, squatting, sun salutations
Most challenging: split squats, cossack squats (transverse lunging), pushups, "the step-through"
Breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
Meditation: observation
Up Next in 30 min Strength and Mobility
Multi-Level with James: Breath-Enhanc...
Multiple short breath-enhanced sequences to access all six directions of mobilities of the spine. "Blade of Grass" Concentration and Meditation.
Multilevel with Jim: Hip Mobility and...
simple joint mobility exercise
kneeling salutes
down dog
lunging hip circles
step throughs
windshield wipers
tadaka mudra
breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
meditation: observation -
Multilevel with Jim: Shoulder Mobilit...
simple joint mobility exercises
kneeling salutes
lunging hip circles
lunging open twist
shoulder roll (lapasana)
cobra variations
child pose
bound angle
seated meditation on the breath