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Strength and Mobility with Jim: Dynamic Standing Sequence 30-minute

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Strength and Mobility with Jim: Core 30-minutes

30 min Yoga 4 Grapplers • 33m

Up Next in 30 min Yoga 4 Grapplers

  • Strength and Mobility with Jim: Dynam...

    crescent moon side stretch and squatting
    half salutes
    lunging twists
    single leg squats
    transverse lunging/squatting

  • Strength and Mobility with Jim: The S...

    Warmups: half salutes, lunging hip circles, lunging twists, transverse lunges
    Body of class: split squats, cossack squats, "strong" pigeon, front split, side split

  • Multilevel with Jim: Hip Mobility and...

    simple joint mobility exercise
    kneeling salutes
    down dog
    lunging hip circles
    step throughs
    windshield wipers
    tadaka mudra
    breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
    meditation: observation