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Gentle Class with Jim: Standing Poses 45-min
45 min Gentle
dynamic side stretching and squatting
half salutes
dynamic revolved triangle
warrior 1/pyramid flow
supine mobility flow
breath work: ujjaii pranayama with anjali mudra
meditation: internal observation (antar mouna)
Up Next in 45 min Gentle
Gentle Class with Jim: Core Strength ...
simple joint mobility exercises
bird dog
kneeling salutes
plank and side plank
supine twists
slow leg lower
windshield wipers
tadaka mudra
breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
meditation: pranic mudra and sushumna kriya -
Gentle Class with James : Strengtheni...
Gentle Class with emphasis on strengthening and stretching psoas muscle.
Gentle Class with James: Pitta Pacify...
Pitta Pacifying: Emphasis on Twisting and Lateral Stretching. Cooling Breath (Sheetkari)