45-minute Gentle Class with James: Standing Postures
James Tennant
Basic postures, simple movement, and accessible strengthening exercises are elements of this class. You’ll find an emphasis on standing postures to strengthen the core and open the hips. Some passive floor stretches and simple exercises for compensation. This class is appropriate for all levels.
Up Next in James Tennant
Multi-level with James: Revolving Wid...
Vigorous with James: Scorpion, Eka Pa...
Warm up included Kapalabhati breath, Lunging Windmills, Dynamic Lunges, Twists, and Side Vinyasa. Most Challenging Postures: Scorpion (on forearms) and Eka Pada Koundiyasana. Breathing Technique: 2-second breath retention. Meditation: Breath Observation.
Multi-level with James: Standing Bow ...
Simple dynamic movement to warm up spine, shoulders, and hips leading to a more challenging sequence improve core strength. Most challenging postures: Handstand, Bow, Camel, Standing Bow (variation). Breathing Technique: 2-second breath retention. Meditation: Breath Observation.