Gentle Class with Jim: Bhramana Practice 45 minutes
Jim Bennitt
supine arm raises and side stretching
dynamic and static bridge
sphinx and cobra/upward facing dog
dynamic warrior variation
shoulder roll/lapasana
childs pose
windshield wipers/90-90
ujjaii pranayama and dynamic anjali mudra
hridaya dharana (concentration at the heart)
Up Next in Jim Bennitt
Gentle Class with Jim: Finding Balanc...
kneeling salutes
bird dog
down dog
balancing joint mobiilty work
half salutes
lunging twists
breathwork: kapalabhati and nadi shodhana -
Gentle Class with Jim: Pranayama with...
simple arm raises and dynamic anjali mudra
half salutations
dynamic and static lunging twists
kneeling salutations
down dog
dynamic and static bridge
dynamic and static windshield wipers
ujjaii pranayama throughout the practice
stilling the lake of the mind meditation -
Gentle Class with Jim: Mobility vs. F...
seated joint mobility exercises
kneeling salutes
windshield wipers
breathwork: nadi kriya (alternate nostril variation)
meditation: sushumna kriya (spinal awareness)