Gentle Class with Jim: Floor Work 45-min
Jim Bennitt
supine hamstring stretch
supine adductor stretch
windshield wipers
locust variation
lying side stretch
breath work: inhale both nostrils, exhale through one (ujjaii anulom)
meditation: spinal awareness (sushumna kriya)
Up Next in Jim Bennitt
Gentle Class with Jim: Lunges and Squ...
dynamic side stretching and squatting
half salutations
split squats (dynamic lunging)
cossack squats (dynamic transverse lunging)
dynaimc bridging
windshield wipers
breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing
meditation/concentration: concentration on the space of consciousness -
Gentle Class with Jim: Moon Salutes a...
kneeling salutes
moon salutes
dynamic revolved triangle variation
transverse lunges
tree pose
revolved side angle
childs pose
tadaka mudra
breathwork: sitali or seetkari pranayama
meditation: akasha dharana (clear blue sky concentration) -
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plank/side plank sequence
lunging twists
sun salute A
crocodile roll
"rolling" sun salutes
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revolved half moon
reclined hero
bound angle
tadaka mudra
breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing (prana shuddhi)
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