This class may have a minimal gentle physical practice, but will mainly focus on the breathing techniques in classical hatha yoga. Basic Sessions will focus on simple and effective techniques suitable for a wide range of practitioners. In the Intermediate Sessions, the teacher may also incorporate kumbhaka (breath retention) and bandha (physical locks) to help deepen the experience. These sessions are appropriate for seasoned practitioners and teachers who would like to explore the more subtle yet powerful aspect of yoga.
Pranayama with Jim: Nadi Kriya 15min
kapalabhati, nadi shodhan, and ujjaii pranayamas
Pranayama with Jim: Pratiloma 20min
alternating between ujjaii and nadi shodhana -
Pranayama with Jim: Ujjaii-anulom 20 min
ujjaii inhale and nadi shodhana exhale with a 1-1-2-0 ratio.
Pranayama with Jim: Pranic Mudra 30 min
yogi danda mudra and pranic mudra with ujjaii pranayama
Pranayama with Jim: Bhramari
yoni mudra with bhramari pranayama
Pranayama with Jim: Kapalabhati and Nadi Shodhana
the "skull shining breath" and alternate nostril breathing
Pranayama with Jim: Maha Bandha 20min
dynamic bridge
dead bug
reclined bound angle
active hip abduction and adduction
ujjaii pranayama, mula bandha, uddiyanna bandha, jalandhara bandha -
Pranayama with James Sama Vritti Nadi Kriya 15-min
Breathing Technique incorporating Nadi Shodhana, Sama Vritti, and Kumbhaka.
Kriya Nadi Pranayama with James 15-min
A breathing technique incorporating alternate nostril breathing, breath retention, and visualization.