Tutorial on Shoulderstand with Jim
3m 20s
Jim demonstrates how to use blankets or adjust your alignment to reduce the risk of injuring your cervical vertebrae while practicing salamaba sarvangasana (shoulderstand).
Tutorial on Headstand with Jim
Headstand, aka sirsasana, is known in some traditions as the "king of asanas". It has many benefits but also some risks. In this tutorial Jim gives some tips on how to safely practice headstand and reduce those risks.
Tutorial with James: Desk Break Pract...
A short, accessible sequence of postures to relieve common bodily stresses that occur from siting at a desk for any period of time. Standing postures, side stretches, joint rotations, and some conscious breathing to wrap it up.
Tutorial with Jim: Step Through
In this short tutorial, Jim gives tips and modifications for a challenging exercise that is often included in his strength and mobility classes. The "step through" includes plank, pushups, lunges, and balancing on one hand and the opposite foot.