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Multi-level Class with James: Rejuvenating the Lungs 30-minute
30 min Multilevel
Short, dynamic, breath-enhanced sequences.
Upper back, chest, and shoulder girdle exercises to bring attention to the lung area.
Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull-shining Breath)
Up Next in 30 min Multilevel
Multilevel with Jim: Hip Mobility and...
simple joint mobility exercise
kneeling salutes
down dog
lunging hip circles
step throughs
windshield wipers
tadaka mudra
breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
meditation: observation -
Multilevel with James: 6 Directions o...
Simple, dynamic, breath enhanced movement. All directions of mobility of the spine. Handstand included.
Multilevel w/Jim: Handstand Options 3...
kneeling salutes
plank/side planks
lunging twists
asymmetric locust
handstand/forearmstand options
childs pose
mental alternate nostril breathing (prana shuddhi)