30 min Multilevel
This class offers options for the experienced beginner as well as the seasoned practitioner. During asana practice, several variations or options are presented to allow each student to feel challenged, physically and mentally. You will find new ways of discovering boundaries, strengths, and effortlessness. Although parts of this class may be demanding, you will be supported in finding a posture/movement that leads you to discovery of your own personal edge. It is recommended that students have at least 6 months of asana practice before attending this class.
Multi-Level with Jim: Preparing for Lotus 30-minute
Warmup: supine hamstring stretches, dynamic bridges, windshield wipers
Body of class: lunges, up dog, (strong) pigeon, lotus
Breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
Meditation: observation -
Multi-Level with Jim: Handstand Practice 30-minutes
Warmups: half salutes, lunging hip circles, plank/side plank,
Body of Class: wrist stretches, open twist from table pose for thoracic extension and rotation, cobra variation, crocodile roll, handstand (with and without the wall) -
Multi-level with Jim: Morning Practice 30-minute
Warmup: dynamic side stretching and squatting, half salutes
Body of class: dynamic twisting, transverse lunging, runner's lunge, plank, locust, bridges, windshield wipers
Breathwork: kapalabhati
Meditation: sensation of breath -
Multi-level with Jim: Basic Postures with Ujjai Breathing 30-minute
Warmup: kneeling salutations, lunging, and dynamic twisting
Body of class: basic standig poses, side plank, and locust
Breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
Meditation: observation -
Multi-Level with James: Breath-Enhanced Sequence, 6-mobilities of Spine 30min
Multiple short breath-enhanced sequences to access all six directions of mobilities of the spine. "Blade of Grass" Concentration and Meditation.
Multi-level Class with James: Rejuvenating the Lungs 30-minute
Short, dynamic, breath-enhanced sequences.
Upper back, chest, and shoulder girdle exercises to bring attention to the lung area.
Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull-shining Breath) -
Multilevel with Jim: Hip Mobility and Core Strength 30-minutes
simple joint mobility exercise
kneeling salutes
down dog
lunging hip circles
step throughs
windshield wipers
tadaka mudra
breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
meditation: observation -
Multilevel with James: 6 Directions of Spine Mobility 30 min
Simple, dynamic, breath enhanced movement. All directions of mobility of the spine. Handstand included.
Multilevel w/Jim: Handstand Options 30 min
kneeling salutes
plank/side planks
lunging twists
asymmetric locust
handstand/forearmstand options
childs pose
mental alternate nostril breathing (prana shuddhi) -
Multilevel Class with James: Upper Body Strengthening 30 minute
Emphasis on upper body strengthening and conditioning. Plank variations and Handstand options.
Multi-level Class with James: Lateral Stretching and Twisting
Floor exercises with emphasis on lateral stretching and twisting. Shoulder Stand option.
Multilevel with Jim: Moon Salutes 30-min
kneeling slautes
moon salutes
revolving disk (chakra)
saddle-transverse lunge-twist
alternate nostril breathing variation
observation -
Multilevel with Jim: Squatting and Lunging 30min
balancing squats
lunging hip circles
lunging open twists
split squats
standing forward fold
transverse lunges/cossack squats
dynamic bridge
reclined bound angle
observation/meditation -
Multi-level Class with James: Lower Back Release 30-min
Calming practice with emphasis on floor exercises, simple dynamic movement, and breathwork. Great, short practice for those who sit at a desk or stand for long periods of time.
Multi-level Class with James : Lateral Stretching and Strengthening 30-min
Emphasis on lateral stretching and strengthening postures. 5-minute seated practice
Multilevel with Jim: Standing Sequence 30min
mountain pose
balancing on the toes
dynamic side stretching and squatting
half salutes
lunging hip circles
lunging twists
revovling disc (chakri)
dynamic transverse lunging
saddle stance - transverse lunge - twist sequence
warrior - pyramid sequence
saddle stance meditation -
Multilevel with Jim: Standing, Squatting, and Sitting 30 min
kneeling salutes
side saddle flow (bharadvajasana vinyasa)
lunging hip circles
deep squat (malasana)
standing to squatting to sitting side saddle (tadasana, malasana, bharadvajasana vinyasa)
thunderbolt (vajarasana)
nostril balancing
observation -
Multilevel with Jim: Shoulder Mobility 30min
simple joint mobility exercises
kneeling salutes
lunging hip circles
lunging open twist
shoulder roll (lapasana)
cobra variations
child pose
bound angle
seated meditation on the breath -
Multilevel with James: Hips and Heart Sequence 30min
Floor Postures to relieve lower back and thoracic spine.
Multilevel with Jim: Core Strength 30min
kneeling salutes
bird dogs
planks and side planks
(resting) crocodile
(asymmetrical) locust
(rolling) crocodile
dynamic bridging
meditation on spine -
Multi-level with James: Full Body Stretch and Strengthening 30-min
Multi-level practice which conditions multiple joints and muscle groups. Three-part Breathing.
Multilevel with Jim: Twists 30 min
kneeling salutes
plank/side plank
dynamic lunging twist
core strengthening twist w/block
wide footed fold
shoulder roll (lapasana)
seated twist (bharadvajasana vinyasa)
bound angle
observation -
Multi-level with James: Dynamic Lower Body Strengthening 30-min
Short dynamic sequences emphasizing mobility and strengthening of the lower body.
Building a Stronger Pigeon
kneeling salutations
bird dog
down dog
warrior 1
down dog
1/2 frog
down dog
active pigeon variations
childs pose
seated meditation