Gentle Class with Jim: Finding Balance 45 minutes
45 min Gentle
kneeling salutes
bird dog
down dog
balancing joint mobiilty work
half salutes
lunging twists
breathwork: kapalabhati and nadi shodhana
Up Next in 45 min Gentle
Gentle Class with Jim: Bhramana Pract...
supine arm raises and side stretching
dynamic and static bridge
sphinx and cobra/upward facing dog
dynamic warrior variation
shoulder roll/lapasana
childs pose
windshield wipers/90-90
ujjaii pranayama and dynamic anjali mudra
hridaya dharana (concentration at the heart) -
Gentle Class with Jim: Langhana Pract...
half salutes
lunging twists
kneeling salutes
bird dogs
windshield wipers
seated forward fold
breathwork: ujjaii pranayama (emphasizing exhale)
meditation: concentration at the navel -
Gentle Class with Jim: Healthy Low Ba...
Warmup and Body of class: supine arm raises, supine hamstring stretches, bridge, windshield wipers, crocodile, bird dog
Meditation: yoga nidra