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Gentle Class with Jim: Preparing for Pranayama 45-min
45 min Gentle
dynamic side stretching and squatting
half salutes
lunging hip circles
lunging twists
kneeling salutes
shoulder roll (lapasana)
airplane (vimanasana)
breathwork: alternate nostril breating variation (nadi kriya)
meditation: objectless awareness
Up Next in 45 min Gentle
Gentle Class with Jim: Shoulders, Upp...
simple joint mobility for neck, shoulders, and upper back
half salutations
lunging twists
kneeling salutations
shoulder roll (Lapasana)
dynamic bridge
windshield wipers
breathwork: kapalabhati
meditation: prana shuddhi (mental alternate nostril breathing) -
Gentle Class with James: Core Strengt...
Gentle Class with Emphasis on core strengthening exercises. Sama Vritti Pranayama
Gentle Class with James: Anytime, Any...
Emphasis: Simple Joint Exercises, Standing Lunge Sequence, Balancing Postures. Alternate Nostril Breathing with Visualizing and Japa