Vigorous with James: Headstand-Crow Sequence 60-minute
60 min Vigorous
1h 0m
Up Next in 60 min Vigorous
Vigorous with Jim: Pigeon Step 60-minute
kneeling salutes
dynamic side planks
sun salutes
hindu pushups
split squats
half split
revolved side angle
locust variation (viminasana)
forearm stand
pigeon variation
seated forward fold (pascimottanasana)
reverse plank
seated twist (bharadvajasana)
yoga mudra
breathwork: alternate... -
Vigorous with Jim: Sun Salute JB, Arc...
dynamic side stretching and squats
half salutes
lunging twists
full salutes
sun salute JB
balancing hand to big toe pose
locust variation
hand balancing split (eka pada koundinyasana)
reclined hero
archer (akarna dhanurasana)
pool gesture (tadaka mudra)
shoulder stand
breathwoork: me... -
Vigorous Class with Jim: Summer Flow ...
mountain pose
dynamic balancing on your toes
dynamic side stretching and squats
half salutes
sun salute "RS"
sun salute "JB"
shoulder role (Lapasana)
locust variation
child pose
thunderbolt with swimmers
windshield wiper variation (bharadvajasana vinyasa)
dynamic plow sequence