60 min Vigorous

60 min Vigorous

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60 min Vigorous
  • Vigorous with Jim: Sun Salute JB, Splits 60-minute

    dynamic side stretching and squats
    half salutes
    dynamic lunging twists
    sun salute A
    sun salute JB
    warrior 1
    revolved triangle
    transverse lunge
    side plank
    forearm stand
    reclined hero
    deep lunge
    half split
    full (front) split
    side split
    cow face
    breathwork: mental altern...

  • Vigorous with Jim: MD Sun Salutes, Single Leg Squats 60-minute

    dynamic side stretching and squatting
    half salutes
    sun salute A
    sun salute MD (multi dimensional)
    single leg (split, shrimp, pistol) squats
    crane pose
    windshield wipers
    star pose
    tadaka mudra
    breathwork: ujjaii pranayama with antar kumbhaka (internal breath retention)

  • Vigorous with Jim: MD Sun Salutes, Hand Balancing 60-minute

    half salutes
    lunging hip circles
    sun salute A
    multi dimensional sun salute (MD)
    standing hamstring and adductor stretch
    hand balancing twist (astavakrasana and eka pada koundinyasana)
    forearm stand
    reclined hero
    star pose
    archer pose (akarna dhanurasana)
    reverse plank
    couch pose
    leg lifts

  • Vigorous with Jim - Rolling Sun Salutes and Balancing Twist 60 min

    kneeling salutes
    plank/side plank sequence
    lunging twists
    sun salute A
    crocodile roll
    "rolling" sun salutes
    split squats
    revolved bird dog
    revolved half moon
    reclined hero
    bound angle
    tadaka mudra
    breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing (prana shuddhi)
    meditation: still lake of t...

  • Vigorous with Jim: MD Sun Salutes, Pigeon, Splits 60-minute

    dynamic side stretching and squats
    half salutes
    multi-dimensional sun salutes
    standing hamstring and adductor stretch
    "strong" pigeon
    front split
    side split
    childs pose
    supine twist
    breath work: mental alternate nostril breathing
    meditation: still lake of the mind

  • Vigorous with Jim: Building a Stronger Pigeon 60-minute

    Warmup: half salutes, lunging twists, sun salute "A", sun salute "JB"
    Body of class: handstand, crane, locust, bow, camel, multiple pigeon variations
    Breathwork: balancing the nostril flow
    Meditation: spine as a blade of grass and pranic mudra

  • Vigorous with James: Headstand-Crow Sequence 60-minute

  • Vigorous with James: Standing Bow, Crouchasana 60-minute

  • Vigorous with Jim: Astavakrasana (hand balance) 60-minute

    warmup: half salutes, lunging twists, sun salutes
    body of class: plank/pushup/step through sequence, astavakrasana
    breath work: nadi kriya
    meditation: observation

  • Vigorous with James: Headstand-Crow Sequence 60-minute

  • Vigorous with Jim: Pigeon Step 60-minute

    kneeling salutes
    dynamic side planks
    sun salutes
    hindu pushups
    split squats
    half split
    revolved side angle
    locust variation (viminasana)
    forearm stand
    pigeon variation
    seated forward fold (pascimottanasana)
    reverse plank
    seated twist (bharadvajasana)
    yoga mudra
    breathwork: alternate...

  • Vigorous with Jim: Sun Salute JB, Archer, Couch 60 minute

    dynamic side stretching and squats
    half salutes
    lunging twists
    full salutes
    sun salute JB
    balancing hand to big toe pose
    locust variation
    hand balancing split (eka pada koundinyasana)
    reclined hero
    archer (akarna dhanurasana)
    pool gesture (tadaka mudra)
    shoulder stand
    breathwoork: me...

  • Vigorous Class with Jim: Summer Flow 60min

    mountain pose
    dynamic balancing on your toes
    dynamic side stretching and squats
    half salutes
    sun salute "RS"
    sun salute "JB"
    shoulder role (Lapasana)
    locust variation
    child pose
    thunderbolt with swimmers
    windshield wiper variation (bharadvajasana vinyasa)
    dynamic plow sequence

  • Vigorous Strength and Mobility with Jim: 60 min

    kneeling salutes
    plank and side planks
    sun salutes
    multidimensional salutes
    forearm stand
    thunderbolt pose
    windshield wiper variation (bharadvajasana vinyasa)
    bound angle
    dynamic bridge
    knee circles
    supine bound angle
    tadaka mudra
    rest (savasana)
    breathwork (nadi kriya)

  • Vigorous Multidimensional Mobility with Jim: 60 min

    balancing on toes
    dynamic side stretch
    mobility salutes
    tai chi warrior
    multidimensional mobility salutes
    boat pose
    windshield wipers