75min - Vigorous
More complex asana and intricate pranayama techniques are offered to you in the vigorous class. This class is for the experienced practitioner who is looking to explore more challenging sequences, postures, and subtle practices. Be prepared to work on inversions, arm balances, and incorporate the use of bandhas. This class is suitable for those that have at least one year of steady asana practice and are in good health.
Vigorous with James: Revolving Camel, Inverted Bow, Couch 75-minute
Vigorous with James: Inverted Bow, Full Splits, 6-count Breathe 75-minute
More static warm-up postures leading to challenging dynamic movement to open front-line of the body and strengthen the back-line. Most challenging postures: Half Frog, Headstand, Inverted Bow, Couch Pose, Full Longitudinal Splits, Revolving Fire Log Pose, Breathing Technique: 6-count Breath 1:1:1...
Vigorous with James: One-leg Inverted Bow, Handstand 6-count Breath 75-minute
Challenging, fun, dynamic warm up incorporating side-stretching, hip mobility, and back strengthening. Most challenging postures: Full-bow variation, Half-frog, Full-longitudinal splits, Handstand, One-legged Inverted Bow (with progressive options). Breathing Technique: 6-Count Breathing; 1:1:1:1...
Vigorous with James: Scorpion, Eka Pada Koundiyasana Twist 75-minute
Warm up included Kapalabhati breath, Lunging Windmills, Dynamic Lunges, Twists, and Side Vinyasa. Most Challenging Postures: Scorpion (on forearms) and Eka Pada Koundiyasana. Breathing Technique: 2-second breath retention. Meditation: Breath Observation.
Vigorous with James: Arm Balance, Deep Backbends, Maha Mudra 75-minute
Warm up will include shoulder/chest opening, deep hip flexion, and core strengthening. Most challenging poses: Pike Push-ups, Handstand, 1/2 Reclined Hero, Revolving Half-Moon, Full-Frog (Bhekasana), Inverted Bow, Couch Pose, Eka Pada Koundinyasana. Breathing Exercise and Meditation: Maha Mudra
Vigorous with James: Eka Pada Koundinyasana, Alternate Nostril Breath 75-minute
Warm up will emphasis hip mobility and core strength. Most challenging postures: Chakorasana variation (arm balance), Forearm Balance, Longitudinal Splits, Eka Pada Koundinyasana. Breathing Technique and Meditation: Alternate Nostril Breathing with awareness on Jatru Marma (acupressure point).
Vigorous with James: Full Pigeon Bastrika 75-minute
Vigorous with James: Natarajasana, Scorpion, Empty Bowl Meditation 75-minute
Warm up includes strengthening, shoulder mobility, extension and lateral stretching. Most challenging: Dancer Pose (Natarajasana), Forearm Balance into Scorpion. Breathing Technique: Kapalabhati Meditation: Empty Bowl Meditation
Vigorous with James: Yogi Dandasana (Arm Balance) 75-minute
Warm up includes strengthening, side stretching and hip opening. Body of class emphasis is deep hip opening and more complicated twist variations. Most challenging: Forearm Balance and Yogi Dandasana (arm balance). Breathing and Meditation: Empty Bowl Meditation
Vigorous with Jim: Single Leg Squats and Arm Balances 75-minute
Warmups: simple joint mobility exercises, kneeling salutations, planks, lunges, and sun salutations
Peak/challenging poses: different variaitons of squatting, astavakrasana, eka pada koundinyasana, and paryankasana (couch pose)
Breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing
Meditation: observati... -
Vigorous with Jim: Upward Bow and Core Strengthening 75-minute
Warmup: sun salutations, lunginging, side planks, dynamic twisting
Most challenging poses: headstand, upward bow variations/transitions
Breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing (prana shuddhi)
Meditation: objectless awareness -
Vigorous with James: One-legged Crow 75-minute
Warm up includes Uddiyana Bandha Kriya and core strengthening. Emphasis on balancing, strengthening, and hip mobility. Most challenging posture: Pistol Squat, One-legged Crow, and Handstand. Breathing Technique and Meditation: Empty Bowl Meditation
Vigorous with James: Nataraj, One-legged Inverted Bow, Pause Breath 75-mintue