Meditation with Jim: Clear Blue Sky 10 minute
Jim Bennitt
Jim takes you through a unique technique to help balance the flow of the breath to create the perfect mediative state then leads you through a guided visualization/meditation.
Up Next in Jim Bennitt
Multi-level with Jim: Moon Salutes an...
Warmup: kneeling salutations, moon salutations
Body of Class: horse stance, (transverse) lunging twists, side stretching lunges, hip mobility sequence (bharadvajrasana-baddha konasana vinyasa), shoulder stand
Most Challenging: camel variations
Breathwork: kapalabhati
Meditation: breath awarenes... -
Strength and Mobility with Jim: Hips ...
Warmup: child's pose-table-down dog
Body of Class: lunging, windshield wipers, 90/90
Most Challenging: lunge step throughs
Breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
Meditation: internal observation -
Strength and Mobility with Jim: Core ...
Warmup: kneeling salutations, plank variations, sun salutations
Body of class: split squats, horse stance, transverse lunge/twist, squat, crow, windshield wipers, 90/90
Most challenging: step thoroughs, crocodile roll, forearm stand
Breathwork: ujjaii pranayama (throughout class)
Meditation: co...