Vigorous with Jim: MD Sun Salutes, Single Leg Squats 60-minute
60 min Vigorous
1h 0m
dynamic side stretching and squatting
half salutes
sun salute A
sun salute MD (multi dimensional)
single leg (split, shrimp, pistol) squats
crane pose
windshield wipers
star pose
tadaka mudra
breathwork: ujjaii pranayama with antar kumbhaka (internal breath retention)
meditation: objectless awareness
Up Next in 60 min Vigorous
Vigorous with Jim: MD Sun Salutes, Ha...
half salutes
lunging hip circles
sun salute A
multi dimensional sun salute (MD)
standing hamstring and adductor stretch
hand balancing twist (astavakrasana and eka pada koundinyasana)
forearm stand
reclined hero
star pose
archer pose (akarna dhanurasana)
reverse plank
couch pose
leg lifts
brea... -
Vigorous with Jim - Rolling Sun Salut...
kneeling salutes
plank/side plank sequence
lunging twists
sun salute A
crocodile roll
"rolling" sun salutes
split squats
revolved bird dog
revolved half moon
reclined hero
bound angle
tadaka mudra
breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing (prana shuddhi)
meditation: still lake of t... -
Vigorous with Jim: MD Sun Salutes, Pi...
dynamic side stretching and squats
half salutes
multi-dimensional sun salutes
standing hamstring and adductor stretch
"strong" pigeon
front split
side split
childs pose
supine twist
breath work: mental alternate nostril breathing
meditation: still lake of the mind