Mutli-level with James: Multi-direction of Spine and Joint Mobility 75-minute
75 min Multilevel
1h 13m
Warm up includes hip opening, side stretching and twisting. Emphasis on freeing up the spine in multiple directions, strengthening upper and lower body. Most challenging poses: Crow, Bound Half-Moon, Forearm Balance and Revolving Fire Log Pose. Breathing Technique and Meditation: Empty Bowl Meditation
Up Next in 75 min Multilevel
Multi-level with James: Forearm Balan...
Warm up includes simple dynamic side-stretching, lunging, and shoulder mobility. Emphasis on lunging, back strengthening, shoulder mobility, and extension. Most challenging postures: Half Frog, Forearm Balance, and Inverted Bow. Breathing Technique: Bhramari (Humming Breath) Meditation: Empty Bow...
Multi-level with Jim: Backbending and...
Warmup: simple joint mobilization, kneeling salutations, sun salutations, dynamic twisting and lunging, plank
Most challenging poses: utthita hasta padangusthasana (balancing on one foot), ustasana (camel) variations, parighasana (gate pose) variation
Breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
Meditation: su... -
Multilevel with James: Preparatory Po...
Warm up with simple dynamic movements and short breath-enhanced sequences. Move through more traditional postures such as triangle pose, tree, pose, deep forward folds, and revolving side angle offering a range of motion for the spine and joints. Most Challenging: Preparatory exercise for an arm ...