75 min Multilevel
Multi-Level: This class offers options for the experienced beginner as well as the seasoned practitioner. During asana practice, several variations or options are presented to allow each student to feel challenged, physically and mentally. You will find new ways of discovering boundaries, strengths, and effortlessness. Although parts of this class may be demanding, you will be supported in finding a posture/movement that leads you to discovery of your own personal edge. It is recommended that students have at least 6 months of asana practice before attending this class.
Multi-level with James: Standing Bow Variation and Handstand 75-minute
Simple dynamic movement to warm up spine, shoulders, and hips leading to a more challenging sequence improve core strength. Most challenging postures: Handstand, Bow, Camel, Standing Bow (variation). Breathing Technique: 2-second breath retention. Meditation: Breath Observation.
Multi-level with James: Shoulder Stand, Warrior III 6-count Breath 75-minute
Warm-up includes dynamic movement to activate core stabilizing muscles, stretch posterior chain, and open shoulders. Most challenging postures: Crow Pose, Warrior III, Shoulder Stand. Breathing Technique: 6-count Breath; 1:1:1:1 ratio. Meditation: Breath Observation
Multi-level with James: Revolving Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold 75-minute
Multi-level with James: Forearm Balance, Half Frog, Revolved Wide Fold 75-minute
75-minute MultiLevel with James: Revolving Bound 1-2 moon, Bhramari
Multilevel with James: Scorpion 6 sec Breath 75-minute
Multi-level with James: Balancing Breath Pause 75-minute
Multi-level with Jim: Moon Salutes and Camel 75-minute
Warmup: kneeling salutations, moon salutations
Body of Class: horse stance, (transverse) lunging twists, side stretching lunges, hip mobility sequence (bharadvajrasana-baddha konasana vinyasa), shoulder stand
Most Challenging: camel variations
Breathwork: kapalabhati
Meditation: breath awarenes... -
Multi-level with James: Multi-direction 75-minute
Multi-level with James: Deep Backbending, Forearm Balance 75-minute
Dynamic warm up with shoulder mobility and core strengthening. Emphasis on extension of the spine, stability, and hip flexibility. Most challenging: Standing Bow, Frog Pose, Full Bow Pose, Inverted Bow, and Forearm Balance. Breathing and Meditation Technique: Empty Bowl Meditation
Mutli-level with James: Multi-direction of Spine and Joint Mobility 75-minute
Warm up includes hip opening, side stretching and twisting. Emphasis on freeing up the spine in multiple directions, strengthening upper and lower body. Most challenging poses: Crow, Bound Half-Moon, Forearm Balance and Revolving Fire Log Pose. Breathing Technique and Meditation: Empty Bowl Medi...
Multi-level with James: Forearm Balance and Inverted Bow 75-minute
Warm up includes simple dynamic side-stretching, lunging, and shoulder mobility. Emphasis on lunging, back strengthening, shoulder mobility, and extension. Most challenging postures: Half Frog, Forearm Balance, and Inverted Bow. Breathing Technique: Bhramari (Humming Breath) Meditation: Empty Bow...
Multi-level with Jim: Backbending and Side Stretching Emphasis 75-minute
Warmup: simple joint mobilization, kneeling salutations, sun salutations, dynamic twisting and lunging, plank
Most challenging poses: utthita hasta padangusthasana (balancing on one foot), ustasana (camel) variations, parighasana (gate pose) variation
Breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
Meditation: su... -
Multilevel with James: Preparatory Poses for Vishvamitrasana 75-minute
Warm up with simple dynamic movements and short breath-enhanced sequences. Move through more traditional postures such as triangle pose, tree, pose, deep forward folds, and revolving side angle offering a range of motion for the spine and joints. Most Challenging: Preparatory exercise for an arm ...
Multi-level with James: Deep Twisting and Forward Folds 75-minute
Warm up with more twisting and strengthening postures. Emphasis on deep twists and forward folds. Most Challenging: One-legged version of Pose of Koundinya (twisting version), Forearm Balance, and Revolving Head-to-knee. Breathing Technique: Alternate Nostril Breathing (with visualization). Medit...
Multi-level with James: Forward Folds and Prep for Arm Balance 75-minute
Short walk-out prostration. Emphasis on forward folds, side bending, and shoulder flexibility. Most Challenging: Preparatory pose for the arm balance, Vishvamitrasana, Forearm Pushup, and Forearm Balance. Breathing Technique: Alternate Nostril Breathing (with visualization). Meditation: Third Eye...
Multi-level with James 75-minute
Multi-level with James: Warrior III, Handstand, Empty Bowl 75-minute
Warm up includes dynamic stabilizing and back posterior strengthening, accessing deeper hip muscles and shoulder joints. Most challenging: Handstand, Warrior III, and Trianga Mukhaikpada Paschimottanasana (Three-limb one-legged, back stretching pose). Breathing and Meditation Technique: Empty Bow...
Multi-level with James: Inverted Bow Shoulder Stand Bastrika 75-minute
Multi-level with James: Frog Pose, Couch Pose, and Headstand 75-minute
Warm up includes short dynamic sequences to strengthen shoulders, back, and open side body, rib cage. Most challenging: Full Frog (Bhekasana), Couch Pose, and Headstand. Breathing Technique and Meditation: 6:6:6:6 Ratio Breathing