James Tennant
James was exposed to yoga in 1996 through his first spiritual mentor Jeri Lucas, who continues to inspire him today. With a growing love for the practice, James participated in the 2001 Ana Forest teacher training. In 2003 he traveled to Kiev, Ukraine for a four-month intensive training in Universal Freestyle Yoga with Andrey Lappa. After a couple years of teaching and studying in Chicago, he took an 8-month sabbatical to study with the beloved Dharma Mittra in New York, NY. His interest in Ayurveda then took him to Albuquerque, NM. There he studied Ayurvedic Medicine at the Ayurvedic Institute with the renowned Dr. Vasant Lad, M.A. Sc. James is also an ordained reverend through Ron Brown Grayson, PhD in Universal Studies, co-founder of Source Legacy.
Gentle Class with James: Hip Mobility 45-minute
Emphasis on Hip Mobility
Gentle Class with James: Various Breath-Enhanced Sequences
Class incorporates various breath-enhanced sequences accessing multiple joints and directions of spine mobility.
Gentle Class with James: Core Strengthening, Sama Vritti
Gentle Class with Emphasis on core strengthening exercises. Sama Vritti Pranayama
Gentle Class with James: Anytime, Anywhere 45 minute
Emphasis: Simple Joint Exercises, Standing Lunge Sequence, Balancing Postures. Alternate Nostril Breathing with Visualizing and Japa
Gentle Class with James: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere -Joint Rotation 45min
Basic yoga poses and practices to help you unwind and get focused. Emphasis on joint rotation. Have a wall space and chair accessible.
Gentle Class with James: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere-Dynamic 45 min
Basic dynamic movements to loosen up the joints and relieve tension. Standing postures to build strength and stability. Seated practice to enhance internal awareness and slowing the mind.
Yoga Anytime, Anywhere with James : Mat and Chair/Seated Exercises 45-minute
Chair and Mat work with emphasis on joint rotations. 6:6:6:6 Ratio Breathing Technique
Yoga Anytime, Anywhere with James: Poses to Unwind the Hips 45-min
Standing and Seated Postures and a few seated postures to help unwind the hips. 6:6:6:6 Breathing Technique and SO-HUM Meditation Technique.
Gentle Class with James: Floor Exercises and Conscious Body Mapping 45-min
General practice. Floor exercise and Conscious Body Mapping
Gentle Class with James: Strengthening and Coordination 45 min
Gentle Class with emphasis on coordination and strengthening
Gentle Class with James: Joint Rotations, Alternate Nostril Breathing 45 min
Emphasis on joint rotations, relaxation, and alternate nostril breathing with visualization.
Yoga Anytime, Anywhere with James: Basic Postures 6:6:6:6 Breathing 45min
Basic standing and seated postures. 6:6:6:6 Breathing Technique
Gentle Class with James: Kapha-Pacifying: Dynamic 45-minute
Gentle Class with emphasis on dynamic movement, breath-enhanced practices, joint rotations. Kapalabhati Breathing
Yoga Anytime, Anywhere with James 45 minute
Dynamic movements to create internal heat and strengthen the respiratory system. Includes Bastrika Pranayama, External Breath Retention, and Alternate Nostril Breathing.
Multi-level Class with James: Rejuvenating the Lungs 30-minute
Short, dynamic, breath-enhanced sequences.
Upper back, chest, and shoulder girdle exercises to bring attention to the lung area.
Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull-shining Breath) -
Multilevel with James: 6 Directions of Spine Mobility 30 min
Simple, dynamic, breath enhanced movement. All directions of mobility of the spine. Handstand included.
Multilevel Class with James: Upper Body Strengthening 30 minute
Emphasis on upper body strengthening and conditioning. Plank variations and Handstand options.
Multi-level Class with James: Lateral Stretching and Twisting
Floor exercises with emphasis on lateral stretching and twisting. Shoulder Stand option.
Multi-level Class with James: Lower Back Release 30-min
Calming practice with emphasis on floor exercises, simple dynamic movement, and breathwork. Great, short practice for those who sit at a desk or stand for long periods of time.
Multi-level Class with James : Lateral Stretching and Strengthening 30-min
Emphasis on lateral stretching and strengthening postures. 5-minute seated practice
Multilevel with James: Hips and Heart Sequence 30min
Floor Postures to relieve lower back and thoracic spine.
Multi-level with James: Full Body Stretch and Strengthening 30-min
Multi-level practice which conditions multiple joints and muscle groups. Three-part Breathing.
Multi-level with James: Dynamic Lower Body Strengthening 30-min
Short dynamic sequences emphasizing mobility and strengthening of the lower body.
Multilevel with James: Lateral and Twisting 30min
Emphasis on twisting and lateral stretching. Sheetkari Pranayama (cooling breath).