James Tennant
James was exposed to yoga in 1996 through his first spiritual mentor Jeri Lucas, who continues to inspire him today. With a growing love for the practice, James participated in the 2001 Ana Forest teacher training. In 2003 he traveled to Kiev, Ukraine for a four-month intensive training in Universal Freestyle Yoga with Andrey Lappa. After a couple years of teaching and studying in Chicago, he took an 8-month sabbatical to study with the beloved Dharma Mittra in New York, NY. His interest in Ayurveda then took him to Albuquerque, NM. There he studied Ayurvedic Medicine at the Ayurvedic Institute with the renowned Dr. Vasant Lad, M.A. Sc. James is also an ordained reverend through Ron Brown Grayson, PhD in Universal Studies, co-founder of Source Legacy.
45-minute Gentle with James: Floor Exercises
Basic postures, simple movement, and accessible strengthening exercises are elements of this class. You'll find all floor exercises and postures in this class with alternate nostril breathing and concentration at the end. This class is appropriate for all levels.
Gentle with James: Chair Options for Balancing and Floor Postures 45-minute
Basic postures, simple movement, and accessible strengthening exercises are elements of this class. You’ll find emphasis on balancing postures with chair options for more challenging poses and floor exercise. Emphasis is placed on de-stressing the body and mind to help the student find a deep cal...
45-minute Gentle Class with James: Standing Postures
Basic postures, simple movement, and accessible strengthening exercises are elements of this class. You’ll find an emphasis on standing postures to strengthen the core and open the hips. Some passive floor stretches and simple exercises for compensation. This class is appropriate for all levels.
Multi-level with James: Revolving Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold 75-minute
Vigorous with James: Scorpion, Eka Pada Koundiyasana Twist 75-minute
Warm up included Kapalabhati breath, Lunging Windmills, Dynamic Lunges, Twists, and Side Vinyasa. Most Challenging Postures: Scorpion (on forearms) and Eka Pada Koundiyasana. Breathing Technique: 2-second breath retention. Meditation: Breath Observation.
Multi-level with James: Standing Bow Variation and Handstand 75-minute
Simple dynamic movement to warm up spine, shoulders, and hips leading to a more challenging sequence improve core strength. Most challenging postures: Handstand, Bow, Camel, Standing Bow (variation). Breathing Technique: 2-second breath retention. Meditation: Breath Observation.
Multi-level with James: Shoulder Stand, Warrior III 6-count Breath 75-minute
Warm-up includes dynamic movement to activate core stabilizing muscles, stretch posterior chain, and open shoulders. Most challenging postures: Crow Pose, Warrior III, Shoulder Stand. Breathing Technique: 6-count Breath; 1:1:1:1 ratio. Meditation: Breath Observation
Vigorous with James: One-leg Inverted Bow, Handstand 6-count Breath 75-minute
Challenging, fun, dynamic warm up incorporating side-stretching, hip mobility, and back strengthening. Most challenging postures: Full-bow variation, Half-frog, Full-longitudinal splits, Handstand, One-legged Inverted Bow (with progressive options). Breathing Technique: 6-Count Breathing; 1:1:1:1...
Vigorous with James: Inverted Bow, Full Splits, 6-count Breathe 75-minute
More static warm-up postures leading to challenging dynamic movement to open front-line of the body and strengthen the back-line. Most challenging postures: Half Frog, Headstand, Inverted Bow, Couch Pose, Full Longitudinal Splits, Revolving Fire Log Pose, Breathing Technique: 6-count Breath 1:1:1...
Vigorous with James: Headstand-Crow Sequence 60-minute
Vigorous with James: Standing Bow, Crouchasana 60-minute
Vigorous with James: Revolving Camel, Inverted Bow, Couch 75-minute
Vigorous with James: Headstand-Crow Sequence 60-minute
Multi-level with James 60-min
Gentle with James: Movement Alternate Nostril Breath
Gentle Class with James: Joint Mobility/Strengthening
Gentle Class with emphasis on strengthening joints
45-minute Gentle Class with James
Gentle Class: Multiple joints, focusing on rotation and mobility.
Gentle Class with James: Back Extension and Posterior Chain Strengthening 45-min
Emphasis on back extension and posterior chain strengthening.
Gentle Class with James : Posterior Chain and Hip Conditioning 45-minute
Emphasis on posterior chain (back-line muscles) and hip conditioning for seated postures
Gentle Class with James: Standing Postures and Alternate Nostril Breathing 45min
Standing Postures with 5-minute Alternate Nostril Breathing and 5-minute concentration.
Multi-Level with James: Breath-Enhanced Sequence, 6-mobilities of Spine 30min
Multiple short breath-enhanced sequences to access all six directions of mobilities of the spine. "Blade of Grass" Concentration and Meditation.
Gentle Class with James: Spine Mobility and Strengthening 45-minute
Emphasis: Spine Mobility and Strength
Gentle Class with James: Pitta Pacifying Twisting and Lateral Stretching 45min
Pitta Pacifying: Emphasis on Twisting and Lateral Stretching. Cooling Breath (Sheetkari)
Gentle with James: All Joints Mobility Chair Yoga 45-minute
Emphasis on movement in all joints and spine: Option of sitting in a chair or on the floor.