5-min Pick Me Up with JIm
balancing on the toes
side stretching
deep squats
standing twists -
10-min Office Reset with James
Short Practice to help reset the spine and hips from sitting at a desk.
10-min Joint Mobility with Jim
mountain pose
cervical mobilizations
circular shoulder shrugs
arm circles
opposing arm circles
wrist mobilization
hip cricles
"wobbly warrior"
balancing ankle mobilization -
10-min Pick Me Up with Jim
mountain pose
standing tow balance, side stretch, squat sequence
dynamic warrior 1
easy forward fold
dynamic warrior 2
mountain pose -
10-min Healthy Low Back with Jim
supine windshield wipers
dynamic bridge
supine hamstrings stretch -
10 min To Improve Your Balance with Jim
mountain pose
toe balancing
side to side shifting
balancing on one foot -
15-min Morning Ritual with Jim
seated windshield wipers
bird dogs
wrist rolls
shoulder circles
chin circles
kneeling salutes
side saddle standups
seated twist
seated breathwork and meditation -
15-min Shoulder Mobility with Jim
kneeling salutes
shoulder roll
locust variation
monkey with a block
swimmers -
5-10 min of Fake Tai Chi with Jim
standing meditation
"push hands" variation -
10 min Seated Practice with Jim: 90/90
Meditation with Jim: The Space of Consciousness 10 min
any comfortable seat
balance the nostril flow
observe thoughts visually -
Better Balance with Jim: 15 min
foot and ankle mobilizations
windshield wipers
bird dogs with hip circles
lunges with hip circles
mountain pose
tree pose variation
"step overs" with a chair -
10-min Hip Mobility with Jim
hip circles
windshield wipers
shinbox lifts
butterfly -
5-min Chair Yoga with Jim
warrior 1 variation
chair pose variation