Gentle Class with Jim: Bhramana Practice 45 minutes
supine arm raises and side stretching
dynamic and static bridge
sphinx and cobra/upward facing dog
dynamic warrior variation
shoulder roll/lapasana
childs pose
windshield wipers/90-90
ujjaii pranayama and dynamic anjali mudra
hridaya dharana (concentration at the heart) -
Gentle Class with Jim: Langhana Practice 45-min
half salutes
lunging twists
kneeling salutes
bird dogs
windshield wipers
seated forward fold
breathwork: ujjaii pranayama (emphasizing exhale)
meditation: concentration at the navel -
Gentle Class with Jim: Healthy Low Back and Yoga Nidra 45min
Warmup and Body of class: supine arm raises, supine hamstring stretches, bridge, windshield wipers, crocodile, bird dog
Meditation: yoga nidra -
Gentle Class with Jim: Hip Mobility 45-minutes
Warmups: simple range of motion exercise for the hips, dynamic side stretching and squats, lunging hip circles
Body of Class: bird dog, windshield wipers, 90/90, bound angle, bridge
Breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing
Meditation: clear blue sky -
Summertime (Gentle) Vinyasa with Jim 45-min
Warmup: kneeling salutes, moon salutes
Body of class: dynamic revolved triangle variation, bow, windshiled wipers
Breathwork: shitali or seetkari pranayama
Meditation: observation -
Gentle Class with Jim: Standing Poses 45-min
dynamic side stretching and squatting
half salutes
dynamic revolved triangle
warrior 1/pyramid flow
supine mobility flow
breath work: ujjaii pranayama with anjali mudra
meditation: internal observation (antar mouna) -
Gentle Class with Jim: Core Strength 45min
simple joint mobility exercises
bird dog
kneeling salutes
plank and side plank
supine twists
slow leg lower
windshield wipers
tadaka mudra
breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
meditation: pranic mudra and sushumna kriya -
Gentle Class with James : Strengthening and Stretching Psoas Muscle 45-minute
Gentle Class with emphasis on strengthening and stretching psoas muscle.
Gentle Class with James: Pitta Pacifying Twisting and Lateral Stretching 45min
Pitta Pacifying: Emphasis on Twisting and Lateral Stretching. Cooling Breath (Sheetkari)
Gentle with James: All Joints Mobility Chair Yoga 45-minute
Emphasis on movement in all joints and spine: Option of sitting in a chair or on the floor.
Gentle Class with James: Various Breath-Enhanced Sequences
Class incorporates various breath-enhanced sequences accessing multiple joints and directions of spine mobility.
Gentle Class with Jim: A Breath-Centric Practice 45 minutes
half salutations
dynamic revolved triangle
warrior 1/pyramid sequence
kneeling salutations
seated forward fold
windshield wipers
breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
meditation: spinal awareness (suschumna kriya) and still lake of the mind -
Gentle Class with Jim: Preparing for Pranayama 45-min
dynamic side stretching and squatting
half salutes
lunging hip circles
lunging twists
kneeling salutes
shoulder roll (lapasana)
airplane (vimanasana)
breathwork: alternate nostril breating variation (nadi kriya)
meditation: objectless awareness -
Gentle Class with Jim: Shoulders, Upper Back, and Neck 45 minutes
simple joint mobility for neck, shoulders, and upper back
half salutations
lunging twists
kneeling salutations
shoulder roll (Lapasana)
dynamic bridge
windshield wipers
breathwork: kapalabhati
meditation: prana shuddhi (mental alternate nostril breathing) -
Gentle Class with James: Core Strengthening, Sama Vritti
Gentle Class with Emphasis on core strengthening exercises. Sama Vritti Pranayama
Gentle Class with James: Anytime, Anywhere 45 minute
Emphasis: Simple Joint Exercises, Standing Lunge Sequence, Balancing Postures. Alternate Nostril Breathing with Visualizing and Japa
Gentle Class with Jim: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere - Revolved Triangle 45 minute
simple joint mobility exercises
half salutes
dynamic revolved triangle variation
down dog
child's pose
bird dog
bridge variations
breathwork: ujjaii throughout
meditation: "window" -
Gentle Class w/Jim: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere - Standing Sequence
standing joint mobility
dynamic side stretching and squatting
half salutes
dynamic warrior one
dynamic revolved triangle
transverse lunge
runners lunge
breathwork: ujjaii anulom pranayama
meditation: still lake of the mind -
Gentle Class with James: Floor exercises to release tension, activate core 45min
Well-rounded floor exercises to activate core muscles and release tension. No standing postures. Breathing technique and time for concentration.
Gentle Class with Jim: Yoga Anytime and Anywhere - Lunging Salutes 45min
standing joint mobility
dynamic side stretching and squatting
half salutes
lunging salutes
lunging twists
breathwoork: ujjaii pranayama (1-1-1 ratio)
meditation: nyasa (placing your awareness in a specific point in your body) -
Gentle Class with James: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere -Joint Rotation 45min
Basic yoga poses and practices to help you unwind and get focused. Emphasis on joint rotation. Have a wall space and chair accessible.
Gentle Class with Jim: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere - Calming 45min
half salutes
dynamic pyramid
kneeling salutes
supine mobility sequence
breathwork: bumble bee breath (bhramari pranayama)
meditation: placing your awareness (nyasa) -
Gentle Class with James: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere-Dynamic 45 min
Basic dynamic movements to loosen up the joints and relieve tension. Standing postures to build strength and stability. Seated practice to enhance internal awareness and slowing the mind.
Yoga Anytime, Anywhere with James : Mat and Chair/Seated Exercises 45-minute
Chair and Mat work with emphasis on joint rotations. 6:6:6:6 Ratio Breathing Technique