Jim Bennitt

Jim Bennitt

Jim, a former wrestler, massage therapist and clerk at the Chicago Board of Trade, began his studies in Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda in 1997. Originally he took up Yoga as a way to help heal back pain, but soon after, discovered how the practice affects not only the body, but also mind and spirit.
Jim has completed teacher trainings with Daren Friesen of Moksha Yoga Center which draws heavily from the Krishnamacharya lineage, apprenticed with Gabriel Halpern of the Yoga Circle (a studio in the Iyengar tradition), spent two months in Kiev with Ukrainian Yoga master Andre Lappa for an intensive in Universal Yoga, and in 2002 began a close apprenticeship with Rod Stryker, founder of Para Yoga, in the Himalayan tradition which continues to this day.
Featured in such publications as The New York Times, Chicago Magazine, Time Out Chicago, Breathe and Yoga Chicago, Jim is also a popular presenter at the Yoga Journal Grand Geneva Conference and the Midwest Yoga Conference and teaches workshops nationwide. Jim’s practice and teaching can be physically demanding, however it always has an emphasis on breathwork and meditation helping to unite body, mind and spirit. When you take a class from Jim, expect to sweat a little, breathe a lot, and feel a sense of inner peace.

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Jim Bennitt
  • Gentle Class with Jim: Strengthening Standing Poses

    half salutes
    kneeling salutes
    warrior 1
    side angle
    core strengthening twist (with a block)
    breathwork: expansive breath with internal retention
    meditation: objectless awareness

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Floor Work 45-min

    supine hamstring stretch
    supine adductor stretch
    windshield wipers
    locust variation
    lying side stretch
    breath work: inhale both nostrils, exhale through one (ujjaii anulom)
    meditation: spinal awareness (sushumna kriya)

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Lunges and Squats 45min

    dynamic side stretching and squatting
    half salutations
    split squats (dynamic lunging)
    cossack squats (dynamic transverse lunging)
    dynaimc bridging
    windshield wipers
    breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing
    meditation/concentration: concentration on the space of consciousness

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Moon Salutes and Twists 45-min

    kneeling salutes
    moon salutes
    dynamic revolved triangle variation
    transverse lunges
    tree pose
    revolved side angle
    childs pose
    tadaka mudra
    breathwork: sitali or seetkari pranayama
    meditation: akasha dharana (clear blue sky concentration)

  • Vigorous with Jim - Rolling Sun Salutes and Balancing Twist 60 min

    kneeling salutes
    plank/side plank sequence
    lunging twists
    sun salute A
    crocodile roll
    "rolling" sun salutes
    split squats
    revolved bird dog
    revolved half moon
    reclined hero
    bound angle
    tadaka mudra
    breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing (prana shuddhi)
    meditation: still lake of t...

  • Vigorous with Jim: MD Sun Salutes, Pigeon, Splits 60-minute

    dynamic side stretching and squats
    half salutes
    multi-dimensional sun salutes
    standing hamstring and adductor stretch
    "strong" pigeon
    front split
    side split
    childs pose
    supine twist
    breath work: mental alternate nostril breathing
    meditation: still lake of the mind

  • Strength and Mobility with Jim: Core 60 min

    simple joint mobility exercises
    kneeling salutations
    plank and side plank sequence
    lunging hip circles and twists
    split squats
    advanced plank/bird dog
    crocodile roll
    bound angle
    tadaka mudra
    breathwork: nadi kriya (alternate nostril breathing variation)
    meditation: observation

  • Multi-level with Jim: Moon Salutes and Core Strengthening 60-minute

    kneeling salutes
    moon salutes
    lunging twists
    bow variations
    forearm stand
    camel variations
    reclined hero
    bound angle
    dynamic plow
    supine dynamic twist
    slow leg lowering
    windshield wipers (passive)
    breathwork and meditation: spinal awareness (pranic mudra and sushumna kriya)

  • Vigorous with Jim: MD Sun Salutes, Single Leg Squats 60-minute

    dynamic side stretching and squatting
    half salutes
    sun salute A
    sun salute MD (multi dimensional)
    single leg (split, shrimp, pistol) squats
    crane pose
    windshield wipers
    star pose
    tadaka mudra
    breathwork: ujjaii pranayama with antar kumbhaka (internal breath retention)

  • Vigorous with Jim: MD Sun Salutes, Hand Balancing 60-minute

    half salutes
    lunging hip circles
    sun salute A
    multi dimensional sun salute (MD)
    standing hamstring and adductor stretch
    hand balancing twist (astavakrasana and eka pada koundinyasana)
    forearm stand
    reclined hero
    star pose
    archer pose (akarna dhanurasana)
    reverse plank
    couch pose
    leg lifts

  • Vigorous with Jim: Sun Salute JB, Splits 60-minute

    dynamic side stretching and squats
    half salutes
    dynamic lunging twists
    sun salute A
    sun salute JB
    warrior 1
    revolved triangle
    transverse lunge
    side plank
    forearm stand
    reclined hero
    deep lunge
    half split
    full (front) split
    side split
    cow face
    breathwork: mental altern...

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere - Revolved Triangle 45 minute

    simple joint mobility exercises
    half salutes
    dynamic revolved triangle variation
    down dog
    child's pose
    bird dog
    bridge variations
    breathwork: ujjaii throughout
    meditation: "window"

  • Gentle Class w/Jim: Yoga Anytime, Anywhere - Standing Sequence

    standing joint mobility
    dynamic side stretching and squatting
    half salutes
    dynamic warrior one
    dynamic revolved triangle
    transverse lunge
    runners lunge
    breathwork: ujjaii anulom pranayama
    meditation: still lake of the mind

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Shoulders, Upper Back, and Neck 45 minutes

    simple joint mobility for neck, shoulders, and upper back
    half salutations
    lunging twists
    kneeling salutations
    shoulder roll (Lapasana)
    dynamic bridge
    windshield wipers
    breathwork: kapalabhati
    meditation: prana shuddhi (mental alternate nostril breathing)

  • Gentle Class with Jim: A Breath-Centric Practice 45 minutes

    half salutations
    dynamic revolved triangle
    warrior 1/pyramid sequence
    kneeling salutations
    seated forward fold
    windshield wipers
    breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
    meditation: spinal awareness (suschumna kriya) and still lake of the mind

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Preparing for Pranayama 45-min

    dynamic side stretching and squatting
    half salutes
    lunging hip circles
    lunging twists
    kneeling salutes
    shoulder roll (lapasana)
    airplane (vimanasana)
    breathwork: alternate nostril breating variation (nadi kriya)
    meditation: objectless awareness

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Core Strength 45min

    simple joint mobility exercises
    bird dog
    kneeling salutes
    plank and side plank
    supine twists
    slow leg lower
    windshield wipers
    tadaka mudra
    breathwork: ujjaii pranayama
    meditation: pranic mudra and sushumna kriya

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Yoga Nidra 45min

    arm raises
    hamstring stretch
    windshield wipers
    yoga nidra (guided relaxation and meditation)

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Standing Poses 45-min

    dynamic side stretching and squatting
    half salutes
    dynamic revolved triangle
    warrior 1/pyramid flow
    supine mobility flow
    breath work: ujjaii pranayama with anjali mudra
    meditation: internal observation (antar mouna)

  • Summertime (Gentle) Vinyasa with Jim 45-min

    Warmup: kneeling salutes, moon salutes
    Body of class: dynamic revolved triangle variation, bow, windshiled wipers
    Breathwork: shitali or seetkari pranayama
    Meditation: observation

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Hip Mobility 45-minutes

    Warmups: simple range of motion exercise for the hips, dynamic side stretching and squats, lunging hip circles
    Body of Class: bird dog, windshield wipers, 90/90, bound angle, bridge
    Breathwork: mental alternate nostril breathing
    Meditation: clear blue sky

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Healthy Low Back and Yoga Nidra 45min

    Warmup and Body of class: supine arm raises, supine hamstring stretches, bridge, windshield wipers, crocodile, bird dog
    Meditation: yoga nidra

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Langhana Practice 45-min

    half salutes
    lunging twists
    kneeling salutes
    bird dogs
    windshield wipers
    seated forward fold
    breathwork: ujjaii pranayama (emphasizing exhale)
    meditation: concentration at the navel

  • Gentle Class with Jim: Bhramana Practice 45 minutes

    supine arm raises and side stretching
    dynamic and static bridge
    sphinx and cobra/upward facing dog
    dynamic warrior variation
    shoulder roll/lapasana
    childs pose
    windshield wipers/90-90
    ujjaii pranayama and dynamic anjali mudra
    hridaya dharana (concentration at the heart)